You've got tigers at home, and they're hungry.  Feed them by any means necessary! In this case, "any means necessary" = "chopping up roadkill" and "stealing meat from delivery trucks."

Made in 48 hours for the Ludum Dare 46 Compo. Theme: "Keep it alive."


  • Roadkill: Click and drag to make cuts. Stay close to the start and end points, or the cut won't count!
  • Stealing meat: Click on meats to grab them. Don't click on vegetables, or you'll need to wait a brief time to grab more meat.

Tools used:

  • GameMaker Studio 1.4

Font used in-game is Kenney Pixel, by Kenney:

Thanks for playing!

BUGFIX NOTE: After submitting, I discovered an issue where the HTML version of game displays at a size smaller than intended, causing an issue particularly on 1366x768 or smaller screens. I made a v02 version that fixes that (literally just changed 1 line of code and added 2 more), and that's the version that's playable above. I still have the v01 HTML files available for download, and .gmz files for both v01 and v02. The Windows version is unaffected.


Tiger Chow v02 Source (.gmz) 46 kB
Tiger Chow v01 Source (.gmz) 46 kB
Tiger Chow v01 Windows 2.6 MB
Tiger Chow v01 HTML 366 kB

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